Strengthening Families Program Fidelity Update.

Here at Upward Change we have been using the Strengthening Families Program (SFP) Clinical Model to deliver our Intensive-In-Home Services to clients in the Johnston, Cumberland, Wake and Durham communities. The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is a nationally and internationally recognized parenting and family strengthening program for high-risk and general population families. SFP is an evidence-based family skills training program found to significantly improve parenting skills and family relationships, reduce problem behaviors, delinquency and alcohol and drug abuse in children and to improve social competencies and school performance. Child maltreatment also decreases as parents strengthen bonds with their children and learn more effective parenting skills.

As part of our yearly Fidelity Monitoring, we are responsible for showing fidelity to the model in 5 different domains. As we move into our new contract season with Alliance Behavioral Healthcare, we are pleased to report that our Agency has received over a 90% Process Fidelity annual rating.

For more information on the Strengthening Families Program, please visit

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